Why do I watch Sepi ove and over again?
Why did they make that damn movie so good?
Why do I weep for Sufi though he's a fiction?
Poor Sufi. :'(
Why did he stab me behind my back?
Why must I care? Bitch slapping him would only make him happier. He's a dumbass.
Why did I trust?
Why do I easily forgive?
Why do I easily forget?
I ain't a doormat. FAKyu.
(in Anger Management movie starring Adam Sandler)
Why do human meet just to say goodbye the next morning?
Why do I always hope for the impossible?
why do I always fall for a girl when she's clearly out of my league?
why must i work hard when i know sooner or later when i die, i will leave what i have earned?
Why am I here? I lost my purpose.
Why am I writing this shit when I have pending PTE assignments?
Why am i writing this shit when I should've written about Patung Patung?
Why am I writing this shit when I could've throw myself on my warm mattress wrapped in my thick woolen blankets and just get a few hours of shut eye?
S#it happens. Word.
ak tau..ko perlukan attention..
maka ko menulis entry ini..
Why do human meet just to say 'goodbye' the next morning?
Because it's fated?
My bro died in a tragic bus accident yesterday and he was really saying goodbye in the next morning after he met his parents. Pray for him and our family, please.
Link: http://www.bharian.com.my/Current_News/BH/Tuesday/Nasional/20090413233800/Article/index_html
why bear why?
my condolences to Ibrahim.
to pana:
memang. aku perlukan attention ko. ko tak memberi kasih sayang kat aku dah. haha.(statement berani mati)
to ibrahim:
i'm sorry for your loss. may Allah bless him.
to shaza:
i dunno... i was asking you...
aku bukan ezhan ya...
aku lagi suka cinta
jgn mati safwan!!
kite ade bel sok, lit mngu dpn, pte nexmonth!!
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