Tuesday, May 18, 2010

I'm in deep shit

Sometimees, I wonder why sometimes my mouth speaks faster than I think.

Coz of that, I just landed myself in deep shit.

Perlu la aku cakap kat Jeng yang dia takkan dapat maintain berat dia time cuti ni.

Tetiba je dia tercabar terus ajak bet ngan aku.

The terms are if he maintains his weight, I may not eat any animals with legs for three weeks. Beef, lamb, Chicken, bird, Burung puyuh, grasshopper, Cockroaches you name it.

All I can eat for my protein source for the twenty one days are only fish and squid. Oh and jellyfish too. Not too keen on worms.

So my TESL friends in Kedah, I need you to seduce him to eat a lot. Ask him out often during the holidays ya?

Nana, Firdaous, Nani, Najmi, Fira, tolong la weh!

Korang memang cun la kalo korang berjaya...

Seduce him ok??


HEROICzero said...

keh3... nasib ko lah~ bgtau ape jd nanti, k? need update!! xD

RustyTurtle said...

aku da kasik chance....
klu xnak diet kna nyanyi kat uptopwn
tp invitation 4 negeri la....
da xnak...
diet la ko tiga minggu

hajar :: aisyah said...

4 negeri tu apa?

zawani badri said...

cant' wait to see d result! ak rsa jeng akan kalah dgn masak ikan bawal mak dia!

Muhammad Abd. Hamid said...

aku rase en. Jeng menang dowh....
wahahahahahaha :P

bersedia untuk diet brader bear!!
hahahahaha :P

safwan said...

to adil:

hahhahaha...apa2 jadi ko org pertama tau!

to jeng:

save the thrash talking later sund.

to hajar:

tah dia. ekzegerasi je kot.

to wani:

kan? aku pun rasa camtu.

to azli:

kau patut sokong aku la weh! dem yu! hahaha...