Monday, March 30, 2009

When translations go wrong

I missed my drama practice yesterday.

I swear I could've feel the anger from the crew because I missed the practice. Sorry guys...

I totally forgot about the practice.

Totally forgot that tonight was supposed to be Ethos! AGM.

The thing was, I went to accompany Ana to Sunway Pyramid to buy Yus' birthday present.

Ana wanted to give her a CD, so we went to a CD shop.

I helped her to look for the CD, but stopped in my tracks when I saw this.

Keharuman Berahi.





No wonder people wear bikinis in the summer. Summer makes them horny.


Ayda Abu Bakar said...

ooo patut aa nancy sinatra punye lagu tajuk dia 'Summer Wine'..
arak berahi..arak mmg boleh memberahikan manusia~hahhaha
tp adakah ini bermaksud malaysia mempunyai musim tengkujuh dan musim berahi?

Pana Sensei said...

tah..pelikla translator korean ngn jepon ngn cine ni..tajok asal makne laen tajok translate makne laen..
k********ng songgoh

Anonymous said...

aku heran la mana ko dapat mata laser supermanko tuh .. semua ko nampak... aku y tgh pening cari cd pon x perasan ayat tuh... huhuhu neway, thank for went with me to sunway. u r such a good friend. hehe

safwan said...

to kekda:


to pana:


to ana:

ada mata sharingan ala2 sasuke. hahaha