Wednesday, December 1, 2010


I really envy Adam.

When he was all lonely, God said "Lo and Behold!"

Hence Eve was created out of his rib.

Adam was lonely no more.

I guess I envied how Adam got Eve coz God created her for him. He knew she's for him and he's for her. Plus he didn't have to go through all those courting, dating, swooning her and stuff. All those probably happened after she was created. I think.

In my case I have to find my Eve.

Finding Eve is not like taking a walk in the park for me.


I hope this does not count as blasphemy. Is it?

p/s: my future Eve, if you by any chance are reading this, know that I would be super happy like Adam did if you are here.


HEROICzero said...

hahaha sweet sgt da neh~ RAWR!

Anonymous said...

Lose weight, add muscles. I'm all yours.

Hanis said...

Percayalah wanita memerlukan lelaki yang stabil. Aiseh. Dari segi agama, pendapatan, rupa dan hati budi.

dzunuubi said...

God created Eve while Adam was asleep.
so he wont feel the pain of Eve coming out of him...
imagine having something coming out of your rib...
Adam would prolly hate Eve if he felt the pain during the creation...

imagine living with less ribs

axer713 said...

jangan risau bro... nanti dapat gak punye...

cume jangan cepat sgt letak harapan pd seseorang yg mementingkan rupa paras, saiz pinggang, ketebalan wallet atau berapa byk sijil ilmiah yg ko dah kutip... percayalah, yg lebih baik akan datang jugak nanti...

but... maybe lambat ckit kot... hehehe...

safwan said...


roar....? aku semakin tak secure nak lepak ngan kau. haha




Ini betul2 Hanis zalikha ke? hui..... tengkiu lah singgah! slalu silent reader je. haha.


If you x ray each and every men's ribs, you'd find one missing its pair.


thanks. ko pun sama. jangan nakal sangat. haha